Identification of allelic copies of loci that control traits of economic importance and analysis of its variation between hom(e)ologous chromosomes in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

Project coordinator:
Anete Pereira de Souza
Depto de Biologia Vegetal (DBV)
Instituto de Biologia (IB)
Lab. Análise Genética Molecular
Centro de Biol Mol e Eng Gen (CBMEG)
Univ. Est de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Fone: 19-3521-1132
The aim of this project is the caracterization of five genomic regions associated with genes of interest to reveal the allelic organization among different hom(e)ologous regions; and also to identify markers (SSR and SNP) through the sequencing. These markers will be integrated to the map developed by RIDESA, IAC and UNICAMP-ESALQ/USP. To meet this goal two BAC libraries will be constructed for two genotypes of sugarcane in collaboration with CNRGV-INRA. BAC libraries will be organized as 3D pool for one genotype and as macroarrays to find positive clones carrying these five genes. In addition, twenty BAC clones will be sequenced and analyzed.
At UNICAMP, the Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, several projects have been developed related to genetic mapping using molecular markers in sugarcane. Therefore these 2 new BAC libraries will also be an essential tool to complement and accelerate the development of genetic maps, facilitating the localization of quantitative traits in them, thus contributing to the improvement of new varieties.
CNRGV involvement:
Responsible: Sonia Vautrin