PAGE : Plant and Animal Genome Evolution

Project coordinator:
Jérome SALSE
Site du Crouël
234 avenue du Brézet
63100 Clermont Ferrand
Project partners:
UR1164 URGI Unité de Recherche Génomique-Info
Hadi Quesneville
route de Saint-Cyr
78026 Versailles
Thomas Faraut
Chemin de Borde Rouge
31326 Castatnet Tolosan
Richard Cooke
Laboratoire Genome et Developpement des Plantes
58, Avenue P. Alduy
66860 Perpignan
DYOGEN group
Hugues Roest Crollius
Ecole Normale Supérieure
46 rue d’Ulm
75005 Paris
Hélène Berges
Chemin de Borde Rouge
31326 Castanet Tolosan
Given the socio-economic impact of plant and animals and the recent explosion of worldwide sequencing capacity, it is essential to develop tools to handle what will become a massive amount of information from sequenced genomes.The current proposal aims at developing tools to compare genomes to gain insight into plant and animal genome evolution since their common ancestors in terms of genome organisation (gene and repeated sequences) and the development of applicable tools for translational genomics purposes, i.e. transferring information (candidate genes, molecular markers) from sequenced genomes to non-sequenced ones, especially for genetic/physical mapping and future genome sequencing. The PAGE program will develop resources and approaches in comparative genomics and deliver public applicable tools for the scientific community.
The program involves 6 French academic partners from INRA (4 research groups) and CNRS (2 research groups) recognized through their publication records and ongoing collaborations as pioneers and major scientific groups in the field of plant and animal evolutionary genomics.
CNRGV's responsible
- Arnaud BELLEC
CNRGV involvement
- Construction and screening of BAC libraries
- Sequencing and comparative analysis
Publication related to the project