Genetic Study of Barley Germplasm and Analysis of Segregating Generations of Cultivated and Wild Barley Crosses Under Drought Stress Conditions
Genetic Study of Barley Germplasm and Analysis of Segregating Generations of Cultivated and Wild Barley Crosses Under Drought Stress Conditions
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Ger4 locus characterization in 8 barley varieties and it relation with powdery mildew resistance
Ger4 locus characterization in 8 barley varieties and it relation with powdery mildew resistance
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IBSC : The International Barley Sequencing Consortium
The objective of the International Barley Sequencing Consortium (IBSC) is to physically map and sequence the barley gene space, and an ordered physical map linked to the genetic map to accelerate crop improvement.
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Towards the positional cloning of 4HL stripe rust resistance quantitative trait loci in barley. Development of a BAC library
Collaboration with the University of Lima in Peru in order to construct a Barley BAC library.
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