International Plant & Animal Genome XXVI / January 13-17, 2018 - San Diego – USA
The CNRGV will attend the PAG XXVI and will present three posters :
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- P0003: Development of a CRISPR/Cas9 Large DNA Fragment Targeting Technique for Plant Genomes. Céline Chantry-Darmon, Carine Satgé, Nicolas Milon, Arnaud Bellec, William Marande, Stephane Cauet, Caroline Callot, Pauline Duriez, Stéphane Munos, Aurélien Bancaud and Helene Berges
Development of a CRISPR-Cas9 Large DNA Fragment Targeting Strategy for Plant Genome Understanding
- P0196: Optical Maps Combined with Recent NGS Reach High Quality Genome Assembly in Plants. Sandrine Arribat, William Marande, Pierre Frasse, Pauline Heuillard, Olivier Bouchez, Mondher Bouzayen, Mohamed Zouine and Helene Berges
Optical maps combined with recent NGS reach high quality genome assembly in plants
- P1010: Assessing the Consequences of Key Events of the Hexaploid Wheat Genome Evolution: Structural and Evolutive Analysis of an Ancestral Chromosomes Fusion Point and of a Region Resulting from Ancient and Recent Polyploidizations. Arnaud Bellec, Nadege Arnal, Nathalie Rodde, Stephane Cauet, Caroline Pont, Florent Murat, Jérôme Salse and Helene Berges.
The CNRGV is also involve in this poster :
- P1166 : The complete genome sequence of the parasitic weed Orobanche cumana (sunflower broomrape). Nicolas Pouilly(1), Jérôme Gouzy(1), Marie-Claude Boniface(1), Olivier Bouchez(2), Sébastien Carrère(1), Olivier Catrice(1), Stephane Cauet(3), Clotilde Claudel(4), Ludovic Cottret(1), Sebastien Faure(4), Álvaro Calderón González(5), Xavier Grand(1), Luyang Hu(1), Céline Jéziorski(3), Marc-Marie Lechat(6), Ludovic Legrand(1), Johann Louarn(1), William Marande(7), Nicolas Ribière(4), Erika Sallet(1), Philippe Simier(6), Leonardo Velasco(5), Cécile Donnadieu(2), Christophe Jestin(8), Philippe Delavault(6), Hélène Bergès(3), Marie Coque(4), Begoña Pérez-Vich(5) and Stéphane Munos(1), (1)Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes Micro-organismes (LIPM) - INRA/CNRS, Castanet-Tolosan, France, (2)INRA GeT Genomics Facility, Castanet-Tolosan, France, (3)INRA - CNRGV, Castanet-Tolosan, France, (4)BIOGEMMA, Mondonville, France, (5)Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible - CSIC, Córdoba, Spain, (6)Laboratoire de Biologie et Pathologie Végétales, SFR 4207 QUASAV, Université de Nantes, Nantes, France, (7)French Plant Genomic Center CNRGV - INRA, Castanet-Tolosan, France, (8)Terres Inovia, Thiverval-Grignon, France
The complete genome sequence of the parasitic weed Orobanche cumana (sunflower broomrape)