International Plant & Animal Genome XXVII / January 12-16, 2019 - San Diego – USA
The CNRGV will attend the PAG XXVII meeting. The team will give 3 presentations and present 3 posters :
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- PO0001 : Development of a CRISPR-Cas9 large DNA fragment targeting technique for plant genomes. Carine SATGÉ, Céline CHANTRY-DARMON, Margaux-Alison FUSTIER, Sandra MOREAU, Caroline CALLOT, Stéphane CAUET, Adrien CASTINEL, Nicolas MILON, Arnaud BELLEC, William MARANDE, Pauline DURIEZ, Stéphane MUNOS, Aurélien BANCAUD and Hélène BERGES.
Development of a CRISPR-Cas9 large DNA fragment targeting technique for plant genomes
- PE0168 : Combining old genomic strategies with new technologies to decipher the complex structure of plant genomes. Nathalie RODDE, Carine SATGE, Céline CHANTRY-DARMON, Margaux-Alison FUSTIER, Stephane CAUET, Caroline CALLOT, William MARANDE, Sandrine ARRIBAT, Sonia VAUTRIN, Arnaud BELLEC and Hélène BERGES.
- PE0166 : Optical maps to improve our understanding of genome complexity in plants. William Marande, Sandrine Arribat, Pauline Duriez, Stéphane Muños, Ray Watson, Alex Hastie, Melis Akman, Benjamin K. Blackman and Hélène Berges.
Optical maps to improve our understanding of genome complexity in plants
The CNRGV will also give 3 presentations :
- One given by Carine Satgé in the frame of the International Sunflower Sequencing Consortium to present the strategy developed in the laboratory in order to efficiently capture genomic regions of interest.
- The second, given by Hélène Bergès, to present the interest of optical map to improve sequence genome assembly and to characterize structural variations in order to tackle intra species genetic diversity.
- The third, given by Arnaud Bellec who presented for the first time his phD results on evolutionary dynamics of grass genomes.