La Science en taille XXelles
Aims at showing to everyone an artistic and scientific exhibition, meeting researchers and exploring the city in an original way.
As part of the Science in the city festival in Toulouse, this project, driven by the association “Femmes & Sciences” and the CNRS Midi-Pyrénées, highlights contemporary and historical women scientists and reveals the diversity of scientific and technical professions to encourage everyone to be interested in science and fight against stereotypes.
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- An artistic exhibition of 12 portraits of women scientists from Toulouse, representing all disciplines, from July 6th to 15th at "Galeries Lafayette", at "l'Espace des diversités et de la laïcité" and all summer at "Aeroscopia" the aeronautical museum.
Photographer: Vincent Moncorgé
Artistic direction: Caroline Moncorgé-Sabatier
- Meetings at the “ Espace des Diversités and laïcité” (38 rue d'Aubuisson in Toulouse), from July 7th to 9th 2018: women scientists will be present to lead workshops and round tables, show the diversity of scientific professions, debate on science, professional equality, stereotypes, etc.
Teaser: https://twitter.com/i/status/1015154509448929280
- Article from "La Dépêche" : https://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2018/07/06/2831731-les-scientifiques-toulousaines-en-pleine-lumiere.html
- Report from "France 3" (9’00) : https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/emissions/jt-1213-midi-pyrenees
- Article from "Grizette" : https://www.grizette.com/agenda/la-science-taille-xx-elles-toulouse/
- Article from "Vousnousils" : http://www.vousnousils.fr/2018/06/26/la-science-taille-xx-elles-du-6-au-15-juillet-a-toulouse-615242