BAC, cDNA clone distribution

The CNRGV distributes specific biological samples from over 300 different genomic libraries, both nationally and internationally. We can distribute single clones, complete genomic libraries or subset libraries from BAC or cDNA libraries.
Sample preparation is carried out by designated robots, which ensures traceability and the quality of distributed samples. Every process is tracked by our data management system (GenoLIMS : Laboratory Information Management System).
CNRGV provides on demand :
- Unit clone of various plant genomic collections
We prepare a culture of the requested clone in a cryotube and on a Petri dish.
The growth is checked before shipment of the cryotube by postal mail.
- Whole libraries or subset libraries
We use high throughput robotic system to duplicate the requested libraries. The duplication is performed in bar-coded 96 or 384 wells plates.
Each handling is tracked via informatics management system. After checking of the bacterial growth, the plates are frozen and sent to the customer in dry ice.
How to order clones
For your first online order, you must create a personal account. Then you will be able to ask for clone(s) by giving the genbank id on the clone request form. After validation, an e-mail of confirmation will be sent to you with a Material Transfer Agreement (click here to view a MTA type).
You must return one signed copy of the MTA by fax (+33 (0)5 61 28 55 64) or postal mail.
We send the requested clones by postal mail as soon as we receive the signed MTA.
For your next orders, you will just need your personal identification.
Select your library and order your clones
How to order libraries
Please contact us for further details on this service.