Large DNA Fragment Capture

Targeted capture of large DNA fragment
We propose solutions to capture large DNA fragments in order to study the diversity of a region of agronomic interest within multiples cultivars.
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TWIST Bioscience Targeted sequencing service
CNRGV provides a specialized service for targeted sequencing of genomic regions of interest, combining sequence capture with long-read sequencing technologies. This service is tailored to characterize regions of interest (ROI) ranging from ten to several hundred kilobases across multiple varieties, constituting a diversity panel.
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Adaptive Sampling by Oxford Nanopore Technologies: capture by selective sampling
The CNRGV is developing advanced methods for targeted sequencing, leveraging the Oxford Nanopore Technologies P2 sequencer's capability to selectively sequence specific genome fractions. This approach, known as Nanopore Adaptive Sampling (NAS), uses real-time comparison between DNA molecules being sequenced and a database of target sequences. Based on predefined criteria, each DNA molecule is either sequenced or rejected, enabling highly selective data production.
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Samplix Xdrop Sort : capture by PCR amplification and sorting in droplet
The Samplix Xdrop Sort technology offers a groundbreaking solution for targeted sequencing of large DNA fragments. Its key advantage lies in its ability to isolate and amplify specific DNA regions of interest without requiring prior knowledge of the complete genome sequence or extensive preparatory steps.
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