illustration publication genome passiflore

New publication: a reference sequence for the study of Passifloraceae, the genome of the wild passionflower Passiflora organensis.

Ajouté le : 27 juillet 2021

A genome sequence resource for the genus Passiflora, the genome of the wild diploid species Passiflora organensis.

The production of the Passiflora organensis genome sequence was carried out as part of the thesis project of Luiz Augusto, a student at the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil.

During 6 months spent at the CNRGV, Luiz Augusto was trained and implemented the high molecular weight extraction techniques used at the CNRGV.

Together with Caroline Callot, he produced the PacBio Hifi libraries that allowed to obtain the genome sequence of Passiflora organensis.

The genome of this wild Passiflora species is a new resource for genomic and evolutionary studies of the species and for the selection of cultivated passion fruit species.