LE_Hba - Heinz1706 : Solanum lycopersicum BAC "LE_Hba" Library

International name LE_Hba - Heinz1706 Restriction enzyme HindIII
Library Type BAC Host DH10B
CNRGV name Sly-B-Hba Number of clones 129024
Common name Tomato Number of plates 336
Genus Solanum Plates type Genetix 384 wells
Species lycopersicum Average insert size 117.0 Kb
Ecotype Heinz 1706 Genome size 950 Mb
Genome equivalents 15.8 X
Vector pBeloBAC11 Library owner Clemson University Genomics Institute
Selective antibiotic Chloramphenicol Library producer Clemson University Genomics Institute
Distribution restrictions None   See MTA (Material Transfert Agreement) in PDF
Links : http://www.genome.clemson.edu/
Sequences :
NCBI Taxonomy : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=4081

Genomic Resource Available :

Resource Academic Price Commercial Price Informations Order
Clone 7 € 25 €  
Coordinate in plate-row-column format (ex: 26g9) :
GenBank Id (ex : BX817271) :
Macroarrays 5x5 pattern 1250 € (entire set) 2250 € (entire set) 5 macroarrays / 72 plates per macroarray
Macroarrays 6x6 pattern 1120 € (entire set) 1920 € (entire set) 4 macroarrays / 108 plates per macroarray
Macroarrays 7x7 pattern 900 € (entire set) 1500 € (entire set) 3 macroarrays / 144 plates per macroarray
3D Pools 7.8X genome coverage / 10 PCR reactions + 66 per positive block (~1.1X)